Easter Bakes – Hot Cross Bun recipes to inspire you this Easter
This Easter our Developments Chefs have taken the classic hot cross bun and given it an easter glow up! Take a look at the recipes below and offer something different this Easter.
Try the Hot Cross Doughnuts, these are perfect for leisure and hospitality settings.
Yield: 20 doughnuts
Dough Ingredients:
500g Strong White Bread Flour
60g Caster Sugar
10g Fine Sea Salt
15g Fresh Yeast (or 8g instant/quick/fast-acting dried yeast)
4 Eggs
Zest of ½ Orange
150g Cold Water
125g Softened Unsalted Butter
½ tsp Ground Allspice
½ tsp Ground Cinnamon
Cross Ingredients:
100g Plain Flour
100ml Water
Filling Ingredients:
1 litre Double Cream
50g Caster Sugar
1tsp Ground Allspice
Cinnamon Sugar:
200g Caster Sugar
1tsp Ground Cinnamon

1. Combine all of the dough ingreduents (apart from the butter), then tip onto the table. Using the heel of your hand, work the mixture for 8 mins.
If using an electric mixer: follow the above steps, suing a beater attachment, and mixing on medium speed for 8 mins, or until the dough starts coming away from the sides and forms a ball.
2. Let the dough rest for 1 minute. (If using an electric mixer, take care that it doesn’t overheat).
3. Continue to stretch and tear the dough, adding butter (25g at a time). Stretch and tear the dough for 5 minutes until it is smooth and elastic when pulled.
Using a mixer, start it on a medium speed and slowly add the butter to the dough Once it is all incorporated, mix on high speed for 5 minutes.
4. Return the dough to the bowl, cover with cling film and leave to prove until it has doubled in size. Knock back the dough, re-cover and put into the fridge to chill overnight.
5. Take the dough out of the fridge and cut into 50g pieces (you should get about 20). Roll them into smooth, tight buns and place them on a floured baking tray, leaving plenty of room between them. Cover lightly with cling film and leave for about 4 hours, or until about doubled in size.
6. One doubled in size mix water and flour together until a paste has formed. Put into a piping bag and pip crosses onto each doughnut.
7. Heat the oil. Carefully remove the doughnuts from the tray by sliding a floured pastry scraper underneath them, taking care not to deflate them, and place into the oil. Do not overcrowd the fryer, fry 2-3 per batch. Fry for 2 minutes on each side until evenly golden brown. Remove from the fryer and place on kitchen paper, then toss them in a bowl of the cinnamon sugar while still warm.
8. Make the filling by added all ingredients to a mixing bowl and whip until cream has formed stiff peaks.
9. To fill the doughnuts, make a hole in the crease of each one (anywhere around the white line between the top and bottom). Fill a piping bag with the filling and pipe into the doughnut until swollen.
Need something healthier? Check out the Hot Cross Beetroot Brownies – these are packed with lots of hidden beetroot and are still just as delicious. Perfect for schools!
Hot Cross Beetroot Brownie with Raspberry Pink Custard
18 Primary School Servings 44g
14 Secondary School Servings 57g
Brownie Ingredients:
150g Unsaturated Fat Spread
250g Caster Sugar
4 Free Range Eggs, Beaten
75g Reduced Fat Cocoa Powder
75g Plain Flour
100g Cooked Beetroot, Grated
100g White Chocolate
Raspberry Pink Custard:
150g Fresh Raspberries
1 Litre Ready Made Custard

1.Pre-heat the oven to 160°C/325°F/gas mark 3.
2. Line or grease a baking tin.
3. In a mixing bowl add the cooking spread and sugar and mix either by hand or with an electric mixer until light and fluffy.
4. Add the cocoa powder and plain flour and fold into egg mixture.
5. Finely grate the beetroot and fold through the cake mixture.
6. Place in the baking tin and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
7. Test with a skewer. When ready, allow to cool on a wire
8. Once cooled melt the white chocolate in a microwave until just melted. Will take around 45 seconds. Be careful not to overhead as this will burn the chocolate.
9. Add the melted chocolate to a piping bag and pipe 4 horizontal and vertical lines to make crosses on the brownie.
10. When the chocolate has cooled portion into desired size.
Pink Raspberry Custard
1. Add the fresh raspberries and splash of water to a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Add the custard and mix until all the raspberry is incorporated into the custard.
Waste not want not! Put your left overs to good use and make a Hot Cross Bun & Butter Pudding to create a perfectly delicious dessert that helps to reduce your wastage!
Hot Cross Bun Bread & Butter Pudding
Yields: 10
8 Hot Cross Buns
40gg Butter or Country Range Soft Buttery Spread
4 Eggs
600ml Whole Milk
300ml Double Cream or Kerrymaid Double Cream Alternative
100g Golden Caster Sugar

1.Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas. Warm the cream and milk in a pan over a gentle heat. Whisk the eggs, sugar and vanilla together with a fork in a large bowl, then gradually add the warm cream mixture.
2. Halve the buns and spread with the butter. Arrange in a large shallow ovenproof dish (approx 25 x 32cm),
3. Pour over the cream mixture and set aside to soak for 15 mins. Press the buns down into the custard mixture as they soften.
4. Bake for 35/40 mins until set, then remove and allow to stand for 10 mins.